1. Production of quality seed and planting material:
High yielding, high quality and elite seed and planting material is required to be produced to enable farmers to get maximum returns out of the farming venture .
2. Prevention of Insect Pest and Disease damage to the fruit and field Crops:
Due to the increaing intensity of insect, pest and disease on fruit and field crops, it becomes imperative to keep their infestation in the economic threshold so that they may not damage the fruit and field crops to the extent that farmers get no returns despite of their investment and active supplement of their own resources and labour component.
3. Management of Soil Health:
Healthy and nutritious soil plays a very important role in the overall yield. Therefore, it becomes necessarily important to test soil of the farms / fields regularly so as to supplement appropriate nutrients to the soil. Proper managment of soil by applying balanced nutrients not only save our resources but save our environment from getting polluted
4. Revival of heritage crops of the district:
Old land races are essential for the success of any breeding programme aimed to enhance productivity as well as overall returns. In this regard, Mushkibudgi - a heritage rice crop of Kashmir is being revived in the district to chalk out its managment related practices.
5. Dissemination of technology transfer from lab to land:
Innovative integrated and diversified farming technologies needs to be taken to the door steps of the farmers. For this purpose, training programmes, method demostations, field visits, front line demonstrations, on-farm trials, group discussions, exposure visits are becomes imperative.
6. Seed multiplication and replacement programme:
Replacement of less productive seed with yield yielding varieties is essential towards enhancement of production and productivity of the important cereals, pulses and vegetables. There is also growing demand of high yielding varieties amongst farmers. As such, kvk kulgam has taken seed multiplication and replacement programme as one of its thrust areas to better server farming community of the district.
7. Entrepreneurship development programme:
Due to competition and severe job cut in government sector, educated unemployed youth needs to be engaged in the sustainable farm based enterprises. In order to do so, they are required to get proper training and exposure to enable them to kick start such entreprise. KVK is well equiped with the essential infrastructure to train rural youth.
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